

Company Portraits, Corporate Headshots

Showcasing Leadership at MKS PAMP

We had the privilege of working with MKS PAMP, a global leader in the precious metals industry, to create high-quality portraits and headshots of their CEOs and C-suite executives. This task underscored their standing as leaders in their domain, entrusting us to reflect the same level of excellence and precision they embody. Captured by Patric Pop, renowned photographer in Geneva known for corporate portraits, our work underscores their professional stature.

The corporate headshots are being used for announcing the team members as key note speakers at conferences, as well for the annual report, website and corporate communication.

MKS PAMP CEO Marwan Shakarchi company portrait by Patric Pop, corporate photographer in Geneva
MKS PAMP Chairman Karma Liess-Shakarchi company portrait by Patric Pop, corporate photographer in Geneva
MKS PAMP Omar Liess Head of Business Development & Marketing company portrait by Patric Pop, corporate photographer in Geneva
MKS PAMP Tamara Jomaa Shakarchi, Group Head of ESG, headshot by Patric Pop corporate photographer in Geneva
MKS PAMP Omar Liess Shakarchi Head Business Development & Marketing headshot by Patric Pop corporate photographer in Geneva
MKS PAMP Tarek Shakarchi, Head of Strategic Opportunities, headshot by Patric Pop corporate photographer in Geneva