
Meet PATRIC Pop.

Pop like the art.
Pop like the stars.
Pop like the corn.
Pop like the champagne corks to celebrate those big wins! 

FEEL the pop.

What you can expect from working with me:


Anyone who has worked with me, knows that I am highly passionate about what I do. Never heard of any boring jobs!



My focus is entirely on you and your project. I am thoroughly interested in getting to know you. Reading your face’s best angles is only the beginning for an impressive portrait.



I believe in being authentic all the time and treating everyone equally. We all breathe the same air and share this one world.


20+ YEARS of experience

I have the incredible chance meeting people from so many different backgrounds and worked in very different fields with a huge number of leading brands. When we work together, you will quickly see my added value that goes beyond the project’s task. Here is a short overview on what I have experienced so far:


I grew up in Bern. Already in high-school I was in contact with Art Center College of Design. More than once I skipped school and hopped on a train-ride to the Lac Léman to attend lectures at the European campus in Vevey, with famous designers, architects, marketing executives and creatives.


Due to lucky circumstances I ended up graduating in Los Angeles from the renowned Art Center College of Design. First, California was a cultural shock to me. But very quickly, I started to appreciate this true eye opener! I was about to expand my vision from structured, somehow limited European thinking, to limitless “anything goes”, challenging the status quo and starting to see things more globally.

Creative Director

Germany’s legendary advertising agency Springer&Jacoby hired me on the spot for a newly created special unit. Assisting closely my Creative Directors and Managing Director, as a Junior I got the chance to be a key contributor to retaining business (Beton, Swissquote), working on new business pitches and creating successful communication campaigns. From Hamburg I returned to Switzerland to join McCann Geneva. As an art director I was key contributor to winning numerous international awards. Later, as a Creative Director I was in charge for two other communication agencies to build their creative departments from ground up and won 72% of all new business pitches.


For the last ten years I was in charge of the marketing & communications for a small family enterprise. Against all odds, I helped it grow by 215% during the financial crisis. We had an arrangement allowing me to continue working on communication projects for a handful of select clients. This period helped me shape my CRM skills, empathy to listening to clients’ requests, understanding SEO and Social Media and always think and act as an entrepreneur. This includes optimising and always staying within budget!


Passionate since young age, I included my own photography skills in the communication projects. During my agency years I had picked up many tips and tricks from directing well-known photographers on big professional shoots.
However, I noticed that most photographers had a hard time directing people. I set out to learn from the world’s best Headshot photographer, Peter Hurley. As one of the very first Europeans I was awarded associate level within the globally operating Headshot Crew of 16’000+ professionals. In 2016 I won the Headshot of the Month competition.

Today: Portraits & Headshots & Brand Communication Strategist

People often have a hard time wrapping their mind around the fact that a person need not be limited to a single role in life. I have so many talents to offer which can be a blessing and a curse:
I help companies develop strong branding and marketing concepts, as Creative Director & Brand Strategist.
I help individuals to look their best in their headshots and corporate portraits, as their Photographer.


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