
Should you Wear A floral pattern blouse to your Headshot Photoshoot?


When preparing for a professional headshot photoshoot, choosing the right outfit is crucial. Typically, solid colors are recommended because they help keep the focus on you, not your clothing. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and sometimes breaking the traditional guidelines can surprisingly work in your favor.

Braking the mould while Perfecting Your Professional Image

Take, for instance, the experience with Maria Chatzistavrou, a professional with a vibrant personality that parallels her award-winning career in interior design for hr company Lime Deco. Maria arrived for her photoshoot wearing a blouse adorned with a flowery pattern. Ordinarily, heavy patterns are avoided in professional headshots because they can distract from the person’s face. Yet, in Maria’s case, this choice was not just a mere fashion statement—it complemented her creative profession and added an element of her personal style to the photo.

When to Choose Patterns in Professional Headshots

  1. Match Your Profession: If you work in a creative field like Maria, where artistic expression and personality are part of your professional image, a tasteful pattern can enhance your headshot. It tells a story of your aesthetic and aligns with your professional identity.

  2. Consider the Colors: Opt for patterns that are not too overwhelming and have colors that complement your skin tone and the background of the shot. This ensures the focus remains on your face. You might want to also have a lipstick or lipgloss that matches well with the pattern on the clothes.

  3. Test Shots: Always check with your photographer if you plan to wear something out of the ordinary. A good photographer can adjust the lighting and background to accommodate more elaborate garments without losing the focus on you.

  4. Bring Options: It’s always a safe bet to bring a range of clothing to the shoot, from plain to patterned. This gives you and your photographer the flexibility to see what works best under the lights and in front of the camera.

The Final Look

In the end, Maria’s flowery blouse did not detract but rather added a layer of depth to her professional portrayal. It worked beautifully under the studio lights and conveyed her unique blend of professionalism and creative flair.

Conclusion: While it's safe to stick with solids for your professional headshot, don't be afraid to bring a piece of your personal style, especially if it aligns with your professional image. Remember to consult with your photographer. And, who knows, you might end up with a headshot that is as uniquely compelling as Maria’s.

Stay tuned for more tips on making your professional portrait a powerful tool in your career advancement.